Boys' Track EventsGirls' Track Events
110 Meter LH (30 in.)100 Meter LH (30 in.)
100 Meter Dash100 Meter Dash
4x200 Meter Relay4x200 Meter Relay
1600 Meter Run1600 Meter Run
4x100 Meter Relay4x100 Meter Relay
400 Meter Dash400 Meter Dash
800 Meter Run800 Meter Run
200 Meter Dash200 Meter Dash
4x400 Meter Relay4x400 Meter Relay
Boys' Field EventsGirls' Field Events
Discus Throw*Discus Throw*
High JumpHigh Jump
Long JumpLong Jump
Shot Put**Shot Put**

*The discus shall weigh 1.0 kilogram (2.205 lbs) and have the following minimum and maximum dimensions:
Diameter - 180-182 mm (7.125-7.25 in)
Thickness - 37-39 mm (1.5-1.625 in) at the center; 12-6 mm (0.5-0.25 in) from the outer edge which shall be rounded with a radius of 6 mm (0.5 in).
Core - 50 mm (2.0 in)
**The boys' shot put must weigh 4.0 kilograms (8.818 lbs). The girls' shot put must weigh 2.744 kilograms (6 lbs).

Track Regulations

I. TSSAA Uniform Rule

  1. All uniforms must follow the NFHS Rules. The referee will warn every participant prior to the meet that they must compete in a legal uniform, and if a contestant competes in an illegal uniform, then that contestant is disqualified from that event. There are no team warnings or individual warnings after the meet begins. Officials should use preventative officiating as much as possible.

II. Number of Events Open to Participants

  1. No contestant may participate in more than three events in any meet. This regulation applies to all track competition - regular-season meets as well as invitational, conference, sub-sectional, sectional, regional, and state meets.
  2. A school may enter no more than three girls or three boys in any individual event and no more than one team in a relay.

III. Sectional

  1. In middle school track, there will be two classifications: Class A and Class AA. Classification can be found here.
  2. Four Sectionals will be held across the state with the qualifiers advancing to the State Championships. There will be 16 qualifiers in each event (4 from each Sectional) for each classification to the State Championships from the Sectional meets. Any ties for 4th place must be broken by the Sectional meet director, or the state office will determine who advances by coin flip (additional entries to the state meet will not be added).
  3. Sectionals must be completed by May 10, 2025.
  4. There will be a fee of $50 for a girls' team and $50 for a boys' team for each school that participates in the championship series. Check with your school administration to see if this was paid with your school's membership in August. This can be reviewed on the school ledger on the TSSAA Portal.

IV. State Meet Information

  1. Running Events - All lane assignments will be based on the athlete's qualifying performance.
  2. The following scoring system shall be used in the state meet - 10-8-6-5-4-3-2-1.
  3. The Middle School Track & Field State Championships will be held May 17, 2025 at Austin Peay State University in Clarksville, TN.